CBD Uncovered: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the world of CBD, the often-overlooked cannabinoid that holds immense potential in the realm of well-being. Prepare to embark on a comprehensive journey as we unveil the crucial aspects surrounding this remarkable compound.


  1.  What is cbd?
  2.  Does cbd come from hemp or cannabis?
    1. The importance of genetics
  3.  How does cbd work?
  4.  Cannabinoid mechanisms of action
    1. Cbd and the endocannabinoid system
    2. The entourage effect
    3. Cbd:thc ratio
  5.  What are the effects of cbd?
    1. Sleep
    2. Relaxation
    3. Muscle recovery
    4. Counteracting thc
    5. Epilepsy
  6.  Does cbd have any side effects?
    1. Is cbd psychotropic?
    2. Can you develop a tolerance to cbd?
  7.  Methods of consuming cbd
    1. Cbd oils
    2. Smoking cbd
    3. Vaping cbd
    4. Cbd edibles
    5. Dabbing cbd
    6. Cbd tinctures and sprays
    7. Cbd topicals, transdermal patches, and suppositories
  8.  How to dose cbd
    1. Microdosing cbd
  9.  Cbd for pets
  10.  Is cbd legal?


Delve into the depths of the Cannabis sativa species, and you’ll discover an extensive array of chemical compounds that contribute to its richness and diversity. While many are familiar with the renowned THC and its euphoric effects, it is equally essential to shed light on the often-underestimated cannabinoid, CBD. Why? Because CBD possesses a myriad of unique qualities that distinguish it from THC.

What Is CBD?

Within the expansive family of compounds known as cannabinoids, encompassing approximately 113 identified members, both CBD and THC hold a prominent position. Each cannabinoid interacts with the human body in its own distinctive manner. While our understanding of the remaining cannabinoids remains limited, we are gradually unraveling the secrets of cannabidiol (CBD), the focus of this article and the second most abundant compound.

Consider CBD as a sibling to THC; however, unlike its counterpart, CBD does not possess the psychoactive properties that induce a “high.” In other words, CBD does not elicit the same euphoric effects as THC. Nevertheless, these two compounds share a notable similarity.

Does CBD Come From Hemp or Cannabis?

When it comes to the source of CBD, the answer lies in both hemp and cannabis. However, it is hemp, a favored subspecies of Cannabis sativa in commercial industries, that boasts the highest concentrations of CBD. Through the aid of modern breeding techniques and natural selection, hemp has developed a chemical composition abundant in CBD while containing low levels of THC.

While hemp takes the lead in producing consumer products like CBD oil, CBD supplements, and CBD cosmetics, cannabis still has a role to play. It simply requires selecting specific varieties that have been bred to prioritize their CBD content.

Undoubtedly, the pursuit of CBD-rich strains within the cannabis industry has sparked a remarkable revolution, particularly over the past two decades. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of breeders, who skillfully manipulate strains to enhance CBD-dominant phenotypes, high-CBD varieties are now increasingly prevalent.

Home growers can now breathe a sigh of relief, as there is no longer a need to concern themselves with complex processes like crossing cannabis strains or cloning CBD-rich mother plants. Instead, seed banks offer a diverse range of choices to cater to their needs. For instance, RQS (Royal Queen Seeds) boasts an impressive selection of CBD cannabis strains, including Solomatic, Purplematic, and Joanne’s CBD. This particular strain stands out for its high CBD content and minimal THC presence.

However, as we delve deeper, we discover that the process of developing CBD-dominant strains is not as simple as it may initially seem. When it comes to cannabis, everything ultimately boils down to genetics. The genetic makeup of a plant determines various factors, including its flowering time, disease resistance, and most importantly, the composition of cannabinoids and terpenes it contains.

The Importance of Genetics

In the initial phases of a plant’s growth, the balance of cannabinoids is established through the biosynthesis of CBGA (cannabigerolic acid), which is influenced by specific enzymes. However, CBGA cannot bind with all three types of enzymes, and the specific enzyme it binds with determines whether a strain becomes CBD-dominant, THC-dominant, or a combination of both.

Nevertheless, as we have emphasized earlier, the genetics of cannabis plants play a crucial role in their characteristics. Once nature has laid the groundwork, it becomes possible to cross similar CBD-dominant strains or clone a mother plant, thereby refining and intensifying the CBD concentration with each subsequent iteration.

Throughout the years, breeders have dedicated their efforts to refining the described process by meticulously choosing strains that exhibit the desired phenotypes. Although ongoing experimentation persists, there has already been a significant surge in the availability of CBD-dominant cannabis strains. Furthermore, breeders have the ability to manipulate diverse CBD phenotypes to modify the cannabinoid ratios within cannabis, a topic we will delve into more extensively shortly.

However, obtaining CBD is merely one aspect of a larger puzzle. To truly grasp the significance of this cannabinoid, it is crucial to comprehend its interaction with the human body. Understanding this interaction is essential in recognizing why CBD deserves our attention.


THC-Free CBD Flower: Experience CBD Without the THC

How Does CBD Work?

Every cannabinoid operates through a distinct interaction with our endocannabinoid system (ECS), an extensive network of receptors present within our bodies. The primary role of the ECS is to maintain a state of equilibrium. When our biological systems are in balance, we are better equipped to handle diseases, disorders, and the demands of contemporary life.

To activate the ECS, cannabinoids attach themselves to cannabinoid receptors found on cells throughout our body. These receptors are divided into CB1 and CB2, forming an integral part of the ECS.

The receptors function as vital gatekeepers, protein structures residing within cells that govern the flow of chemical signals, providing instructions on how and when to act. However, these receptors do not operate independently. Their behavior is contingent upon their location within the body and the specific cannabinoid they interact with.

Receptors exhibit selectivity in terms of the cannabinoids they bind to. The process resembles a lock and key mechanism, as receptors activate solely when they detect a cannabinoid with a shape that perfectly fits their lock. Through these access points, cannabinoids exert their influence on the body in diverse ways.

CB1 receptors are predominantly found in the brain, central nervous system, and digestive system, while CB2 receptors are primarily present in our immune system. When THC interacts with CB1 receptors, which play a role in regulating mood and motivation, it triggers the euphoric high commonly associated with cannabis use. Conversely, CBD adopts a more indirect approach, as we will explore in greater detail.

Cannabinoid Mechanisms of Action

Please note: The information provided here is derived from ongoing pre-clinical and clinical studies. The majority of these mechanisms have been identified through research conducted on cell and animal models, rather than controlled human clinical trials. It is important to understand that these findings may not fully represent the workings of cannabinoids within the human body.

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System

While we previously discussed the lock and key interaction between cannabinoids and the human body, the interaction of CBD is somewhat more intricate.

Unlike other cannabinoids, cannabidiol (CBD) does not exhibit significant binding affinity to the two well-known cannabinoid receptors. Instead, CBD exerts its influence by enhancing the overall functioning of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and regulating the production of beneficial enzymes. By supporting the ECS, CBD facilitates improved system operation and maintenance.

CBD is believed to have a inhibitory impact on the enzyme FAAH (fatty acid amide hydrolase), which plays a crucial role in breaking down and degrading anandamide (AEA).

This inhibitory response of CBD leads to an increased presence of anandamide in the body, prolonging its effects. This is significant because anandamide is an endogenous compound that positively influences various functions such as appetite, sleep, pain relief, and more.

Although CBD does not have a strong affinity for binding with CB1 or CB2 receptors, it does not completely disregard the lock and key mechanism we discussed earlier. CBD interacts with a few G-protein receptors present in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Additionally, CBD can influence the TRPV-1 (transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V-1) receptor. The TRPV-1 receptor is involved in regulating pain perception, inflammation, and body temperature. However, further research is still needed to fully understand the potential of this interaction.


Exploring the Interaction Between CBD Marijuana Strains and the Human Endocannabinoid System

The Entourage Effect

Thus far, we have explored the distinct ways in which cannabinoids exert their influence, particularly CBD’s unique approach involving enzymes and specialized receptors. However, we have yet to delve into their collaboration.

Despite THC and CBD producing different effects and employing different interaction methods, they share a common characteristic. When combined, their individual abilities are amplified. This phenomenon, known as the entourage effect, is a theoretical concept that potentially applies to all cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids working in synergy.

Dedicated cannabis researchers like Dr. Ethan Russo are actively investigating the concept of synergy among various constituents of cannabis, such as cannabinoids and terpenes. The intricate chemical composition of full-spectrum cannabis products undeniably provides a distinct experience compared to isolated compounds.


The interplay between CBD and THC has captivated the attention of both cannabis breeders and enthusiasts. Why? Because by adjusting the ratio of CBD to THC, it becomes possible to modify the nature of the psychoactive experience while benefiting from the properties of both cannabinoids.

Perhaps you seek a strain that can be enjoyed throughout the day without impeding productivity or motivation. Thanks to advancements in cannabis breeding, discovering such an ideal flower is entirely achievable. For individuals juggling multiple responsibilities, strains with high CBD levels and minimal THC content (such as a 25:1 ratio) perfectly fit the bill. In this way, you can still harness the advantages of the entourage effect while avoiding any psychotropic side effects.

By adjusting the ratio of CBD and THC, a whole range of effects can be explored. Increasing the THC content with a ratio of 8:1 or 2:1, for example, will deliver a more potent THC experience. This will result in euphoric effects and some psychotropic sensations, but the dominance of CBD helps maintain overall balance during the high.

On the other hand, there are cannabis strains with equal parts CBD and THC. While we recommend these for individuals familiar with the effects of THC, they offer the ultimate combination of two cannabinoids with significant influence over the endocannabinoid system (ECS). By consuming both CBD and THC in equal proportions, your well-being can be equally enhanced—it all comes down to finding the right balance of CBD and THC to suit your individual needs.

Royal Queen Seeds offers a unique selection of CBD cannabis seeds, meticulously bred to possess elevated levels of CBD and a well-balanced ratio of THC to CBD. One notable example is Tatanka Pure CBD, boasting a remarkable CBD content ranging from 9% to 14%, surpassing the average cannabis strain. With a variety of feminized and autoflowering high-CBD strains available, enjoying the benefits of CBD in the comfort of your home has never been more accessible.


5 Highly Sought-After CBD Strains of 2023

What Are the Effects of CBD?

Having laid the groundwork for CBD, encompassing its mechanisms and origins, we can now delve into its potential effects and influence.

It’s important to clarify that the information provided below is speculative and requires further scientific research to substantiate the hypotheses put forth. We strongly advise against substituting cannabis for prescribed medications. If you are already managing health conditions, we recommend consulting with your doctor before considering any form of cannabis use.


Sleep is an essential process that allows our minds and bodies to rejuvenate from the demands of the day. However, in our modern society, factors like entertainment accessibility and the pressures of a non-stop lifestyle often lead to neglecting adequate sleep.

Preclinical studies are currently investigating the impact of CBD on sleep. Researchers are particularly interested in understanding how this cannabinoid influences crucial sleep hormones such as melatonin[1] and cortisol[2]. By exploring these interactions, we can gain insights into the potential effects of CBD on sleep patterns.


Regrettably, stress and unease are prevalent in today’s contemporary society. To compound the issue, addressing anxiety is not a simple task, as its causes and manifestations vary from person to person.

Nevertheless, a common thread across all forms of anxiety is the involvement of 5-HT receptors and the neurochemical serotonin. Often referred to as the “happy chemical,” serotonin directly influences anxiety by interacting with these receptors. It is typically released during physical activities like exercise or sexual experiences, playing a significant role in anxiety regulation.

Promisingly, researchers have made a significant discovery regarding CBD’s interaction with 5-HT receptors, which plays a role in modulating serotonergic transmission. A study conducted by the Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain[4], focusing on neuropathic pain in animals, found that “repeated treatment with low-dose CBD reduces anxiety through 5-HT₁ₐ receptor activation.” These findings not only support the potential use of CBD-based treatments but also emphasize the importance of initiating clinical trials to further explore its therapeutic benefits.

Muscle Recovery

While inflammation is often viewed negatively, it serves as a vital mechanism within our bodies. It aids in combating infections and facilitating tissue repair, which is particularly crucial not only for athletes but also for individuals seeking to maintain overall health. Building stronger muscles is essential for reducing the risk of injuries and maintaining an active lifestyle.

However, in order to achieve a healthy inflammatory response, a strong immune system is paramount. Despite the numerous benefits our immune system provides, there are instances when it becomes confused, particularly when it is overworked in the process of tissue repair. This confusion can result in the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy cells instead of harmful ones, which poses challenges for promoting muscle recovery.

A group of researchers from Mississippi State University in the United States is currently investigating the potential impact of CBD on the immune response[5]. Their focus is specifically directed towards regulatory cells, aiming to explore any potential effects of CBD on these cells.

Counteracting THC

CBD is thought to counteract some of the anxiety-inducing effects of THC when used together. Additionally, CBD seems to influence the stimulating effects of THC by delaying the onset and duration of the “high” sensation.

Notably, a placebo-controlled study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology[6] discovered that CBD administration following THC consumption reduced post-THC paranoia. By combining CBD and THC, a comprehensive approach to well-being may be achieved while mitigating potential side effects.


The study of CBD’s effects on epilepsy, particularly Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, offers promising results. These are severe conditions primarily affecting children, with the most severe cases experiencing numerous seizures daily.

In 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted approval to Epidiolex, a synthetic form of CBD. This medication has demonstrated remarkable efficacy, greatly enhancing the quality of life for children living with Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Naturally, there are distinctions between a purified form of CBD and the organic extract derived from hemp.

Does CBD Have Any Side Effects?

Amidst numerous research endeavors on CBD, has any adverse impact been identified by researchers? The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted an extensive review[7] to address this very question, examining the existing body of research on CBD.

Based on their analysis of the available information, the World Health Organization (WHO) provided the following findings:

  • CBD is typically well tolerated and demonstrates a favorable safety profile.
  • Reported adverse effects could potentially arise from interactions between medications.

They also noted mild adverse effects associated with CBD, which typically resolve quickly.

Possible side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Upset stomach
  • Dizziness

It is crucial to keep in mind that most of these side effects were observed in studies involving higher-than-typical doses of CBD. However, individual responses to CBD can vary, so it is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed to acclimate to its effects.

The WHO also emphasized the potential interaction between CBD and medications. Research suggests that CBD can impact the metabolism of certain drugs, and it is important to consult with a healthcare professional if you are taking any medications. While the interaction may not necessarily lead to complications, your doctor can provide personalized guidance and advice based on your specific situation.


Exploring the Potential of CBD to Counteract THC’s Psychoactive Effect

Is CBD Psychotropic?

Despite its association with the Cannabis sativa species, CBD is not psychotropic, although it can be considered psychoactive to some extent. The confusion often arises due to its connection with THC. While both CBD and THC are cannabinoids, they interact with the body in distinct ways and produce different effects.

THC induces a psychoactive high by binding to CB1 receptors in specific areas of the brain associated with mood and motivation. This unique interaction is why cannabis is still prohibited in many parts of the world. On the other hand, CBD does not exhibit a strong affinity for CB1 receptors. Instead, it works in a more indirect manner to support the entire endocannabinoid system (ECS), and it does not produce psychoactive side effects as a result.

Can You Develop a Tolerance to CBD?

Another frequently asked question is whether regular use of CBD results in tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects.

To address this concern, we can turn to the experts in the field, such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In their comprehensive review conducted in 2018, WHO stated that “CBD exhibits no effects suggestive of any abuse or dependence potential” and further emphasized that “there is no evidence of recreational use of CBD or any public health-related issues.” While long-term studies on CBD are still limited due to its relatively recent research focus, the available evidence is promising.

Methods of Consuming CBD

The potential of CBD is extensive, although not as extensive as the range of products available on the market. CBD’s non-toxic nature has resulted in a wide variety of options, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

CBD Oils

CBD oils administered orally, either by placing them on or under the tongue, continue to be the preferred method of consuming the compound. The inclusion of carrier oils such as olive, hemp, or MCT oil significantly enhances the absorption rates. CBD is inherently hydrophobic, meaning it repels water, making it challenging for the body to absorb without the assistance of a carrier oil.

Ingesting CBD orally, by swallowing it, is not as effective, and higher doses may be required to achieve the desired effects. However, when taken sublingually (under the tongue), CBD is absorbed through the mucous membrane and directly enters the bloodstream, providing more immediate effects.

Smoking CBD

Smoking CBD offers significantly higher bioavailability compared to other methods of consumption. Bioavailability is a crucial factor as it determines the amount and speed at which CBD reaches its intended destination—the bloodstream.

When CBD is smoked, it rapidly enters the bloodstream through the lung capillaries, resulting in quick onset of effects, typically within 15 minutes. However, it’s important to note that the duration of the effects may be shorter compared to CBD edibles or oils.

CBD-rich cannabis strains offer more than just CBD. They also contain a diverse array of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. By consuming these strains, you not only unlock the potential benefits of the entourage effect, but also get to enjoy a wide range of flavors and tastes.


A Guide to Optimal CBD Oil Dosage [Includes a Dosing Calculator]

Vaping CBD

When using a reliable vaporizer, vaping offers several notable advantages over smoking. Firstly, vaporizers do not burn the material being consumed, which helps minimize the intake of harmful substances into the lungs.

Secondly, the bioavailability of vaping is comparable to, if not higher than, smoking. Additionally, vaping tends to attract less attention and curiosity compared to smoking traditional joints, making it a discreet option for consumption.

CBD Edibles

Cannabis edibles have come a long way from their traditional forms of cookies and brownies. Today, the range of edible options is vast and diverse. The growing interest in edibles is justified, as there are valid reasons behind it. One such reason is the natural taste of cannabinoids like CBD. While the taste is not necessarily unpleasant, it may not appeal to everyone’s palate.

Another significant aspect of consuming CBD edibles is the altered experience of its effects. The onset of effects is delayed, usually taking up to an hour to kick in. However, the effects also tend to last much longer, providing extended relief. This makes CBD edibles an excellent choice when immediate CBD supplementation is not possible, and sustained relief is desired.

Dabbing CBD

Dabbing, the pinnacle of CBD consumption, requires a dab rig and a set of specialized tools. This method is often reserved for experienced CBD users due to its highly concentrated nature, not recommended for newcomers.

Through the process of flash vaporization using CBD concentrates such as CBD isolate, CBD wax, or CBD shatter, you can achieve intensely pronounced effects within seconds. Carrying a dab rig may not be the most convenient option, but for those seeking unmatched potency, the trade-off is well worth it.

CBD Tinctures and Sprays

CBD tinctures share many similarities with CBD oils, with the key difference being the method of administration – sublingual intake.

When you take CBD tinctures sublingually, they bypass the digestive system and are directly absorbed into the bloodstream through tiny capillaries in the mouth. This direct route allows for quicker onset of effects, with CBD tinctures providing relief in as little as 15 minutes when immediate relief is needed.

CBD sprays operate on a similar principle. The nasal cavity houses numerous tiny blood vessels, providing CBD with a direct pathway to the bloodstream.

Furthermore, CBD tinctures are available in various flavors, making them more enticing than oils. However, it’s important to note that you may miss out on the additional advantages provided by carrier oils. Ultimately, the choice between tinctures and sprays depends on your individual needs and preferences.

CBD Topicals, Transdermal Patches, and Suppositories

CBD topicals offer a convenient application method (simply massage into the skin) and are suitable for various skin types. Instead of entering the bloodstream, the active ingredients target local receptors, providing soothing, moisturizing, and protective effects on the skin.

Transdermal patches take the concept further by combining CBD with specific medications, allowing the cannabinoid to penetrate the skin and reach the bloodstream. These patches function similarly to nicotine patches, delivering a gradual release of active ingredients.

For those seeking to maximize active absorption, CBD suppositories provide an option to explore. They offer the potential for increased CBD uptake and are discreet in nature. However, it’s important to note that the bioavailability of CBD suppositories is still being studied, and their effectiveness is not yet fully understood.

How to Dose CBD

While CBD manufacturers offer recommended dosages, it’s important to recognize that these suggestions are just that—guidelines. It’s crucial to understand that there is no universally ideal CBD dose, as the appropriate amount varies depending on several factors, such as:

  • Metabolism
  • Body fat
  • Product strength
  • Health issues

However, it is possible to follow some general guidelines until you discover the dosage that suits you best.

  • Start with a low-concentration CBD oil: For a minimum of two weeks, stick to a low-concentration oil to allow yourself to adjust to the effects and address any possible side effects.
  • Take CBD once or twice a day: Initially, try using it once or twice a day instead of following the general recommendation of “up to three times a day.” This approach allows you to discover your optimal dosage gradually.
  • Stick to the same routine for at least two weeks: While CBD has a rapid onset of action, it is advisable to allocate at least two weeks to familiarize yourself with its effects and establish your routine.
  • Wait to combine CBD products: Combining various CBD products is entirely feasible, but it is recommended to maintain a consistent routine to effectively manage the desired effects. For instance, you can enjoy CBD edibles in the morning and later vape CBD flower in the afternoon without any issue.
  • Speak to your doctor: While we can provide general information, it is important to consult your primary care doctor for personalized advice. If you are using CBD to address a specific condition, your doctor can offer valuable insights and recommend an appropriate dosage tailored to your needs.
CBD Dosage Calculator


0 mg


Microdosing CBD

Microdosing is an effective strategy that can be beneficial when using CBD, as it helps overcome one of the main drawbacks of the compound. CBD has a short half-life, meaning it doesn’t stay in the body for long, so consistent consumption is important to maximize its effects.

The essence of microdosing involves taking small and frequent doses. However, similar to regular dosing, it requires experimentation to find the optimal routine for your needs. If feasible, you can try dividing your daily CBD intake into smaller portions and spread them throughout the day. This approach allows for more convenient and consistent usage.


A Comprehensive Guide to Microdosing CBD

CBD For Pets

Having discussed the fundamental aspects of CBD in humans, it is now pertinent to shift our focus to our beloved feline and canine friends. The reason being that, akin to us, cats and dogs possess an endocannabinoid system.

While a significant portion of information regarding CBD’s impact on pets is based on personal accounts, there exist a few in-vivo studies to draw insights from. The potential effects seem to parallel those observed in humans, as CBD has been found to influence their brains, as well as their nervous, immune, and digestive systems. These investigations aim to ascertain whether CBD has an impact on the nervous, immune, and digestive systems of our furry companions.

However, it is important to exercise caution as not all CBD products are appropriate for pets. Cats and dogs exhibit heightened sensitivity towards the smaller compounds present in hemp, such as terpenes and flavonoids. Consequently, CBD products specifically designed for pets undergo a process to eliminate these elements, ensuring their safety for animals. On the other hand, standard CBD oils intended for human use do not undergo this removal process.

The legality surrounding CBD remains a contentious subject, with certain regulations in place. In the majority of modern countries, purchasing and using CBD is legal, but specific restrictions apply. CBD products must be derived from hemp and contain no more than 0.2% THC (in Europe). The permissible THC limit is slightly higher in the United States (0.3%), illustrating the variation in restrictions depending on your location.

Navigating this complex situation can be challenging, so it is crucial to consult with local authorities in your home nation before experimenting with CBD. While it is usually permissible, conducting a double-check doesn’t hurt. Moreover, it is advisable to acquire CBD from reputable suppliers who independently test their products. Without confirmation of the precise composition of each CBD batch, you may only discover any issues when it is already too late.

External Resources:
  1. Cannabinoids attenuate norepinephrine-induced melatonin biosynthesis in the rat pineal gland by reducing arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase activity without involvement of cannabinoid receptors https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com
  2. Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  3. The effects of cannabinoid administration on sleep: a systematic review of human studies https://www.med.upenn.edu
  4. Cannabidiol modulates serotonergic transmission and reverses both allodynia and anxiety-like behavior in a model of neuropathic pain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  5. Immune Responses Regulated by Cannabidiol https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  6. SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research https://journals.sagepub.com
  7. https://www.who.int/medicines/access/controlled-substances/CannabidiolCriticalReview.pdf