Cannabis Cultivation 101: Mastering the Fundamentals

Embarking on the journey of growing your own cannabis buds? Look no further than this comprehensive article, designed to provide you with a solid starting point. We’ve distilled the essential topics into easily digestible information, ensuring you feel confident and empowered, without the overwhelm.



  1.  Why do people grow cannabis?
  2.  Are all cannabis plants the same?
  3.  What do cannabis plants need to grow?
  4.  How long does it take to grow cannabis?
  5.  What equipment do you need to grow cannabis?
  6.  What part of the cannabis plant do you smoke?
  7.  Questions & answers: cannabis growing
  8.  Getting started growing cannabis — in conclusion


Let’s clarify from the start: this article isn’t a comprehensive grower’s guide. Instead, it provides an overview of the fundamental aspects and aims to answer your questions about growing your own cannabis at home. By the time you finish reading, you’ll have enough knowledge to confidently discuss the basics of cannabis cultivation, and more importantly, it will assist you in your personal journey of growing your own stash.

Why Do People Grow Cannabis?

People cultivate their own cannabis stash for various reasons. Some seek relaxation after a long day, while others aim to save money and have convenient access to their favorite herb. Regardless of the motivation, growing cannabis can be a fascinating and thrilling undertaking that doesn’t require extensive resources to begin. However, it’s crucial to equip yourself with essential knowledge about strains and cultivation techniques, which we will delve into in the following sections. Above all, treating your cannabis plants with the same care and attention as any other plant is paramount for their well-being and successful growth.


Beginner-Friendly Cannabis Strains: Easy Options for New Growers

Are All Cannabis Plants the Same?

Not all cannabis strains are created equal, as they vary in various aspects such as growth speed, aroma, yield, size, resilience, and cannabinoid/terpene profiles. Additionally, one crucial distinction lies in the plant’s sex. To simplify matters, most growers prefer cultivating female plants for their resinous buds. To ensure this, it’s recommended to obtain feminized seeds, which are specifically engineered to produce only female plants. In contrast, regular seeds have a 50% chance of developing into male or female plants.

Another consideration is the difference between autoflowering and photoperiod strains. Autoflowering varieties enter the flowering stage automatically within two to four weeks after germination. Photoperiod strains, on the other hand, require 12 hours of darkness each day to initiate and maintain flowering indoors. They also generally have a longer growth cycle since there is no predefined vegetative period.

What Do Cannabis Plants Need to Grow?

Growing cannabis is a nurturing process that involves tending to a living organism. It requires your undivided attention and a commitment to providing the necessary care and nutrients for the plant to flourish and thrive.

Just like any other plant, there are four fundamental elements essential for cultivating high-quality cannabis:

Fresh Air

Now, let’s delve into the science behind it. Plants require a balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide for respiration and photosynthesis, which is crucial for their growth and energy production. When growing cannabis outdoors, fresh air is readily available, and you don’t need to worry much about ventilation.

However, if you’re cultivating indoors, proper air circulation becomes essential to ensure the plants can breathe naturally. Fortunately, achieving adequate ventilation is achievable with the right setup. If you’re working within a budget, strategically placed fans can do the job. On the other hand, if you have the financial means, it’s recommended to invest in a more advanced ventilation system to optimize airflow and maintain an ideal environment for your plants.


Plants rely on light to facilitate photosynthesis, which is vital for their healthy growth. In the case of cannabis plants, increased exposure to light results in the development of more buds. When growing cannabis outdoors, natural sunlight provides an abundant light source, meeting the plants’ needs. However, indoor cultivation requires careful consideration of light intensity. It is recommended to provide 400-600 watts (or more) of light per square meter to ensure optimal growth.

Furthermore, indoor growers must be cautious about high temperatures, especially when using certain types of lights like HIDs. These lights tend to generate heat, which can be detrimental to the buds if they are positioned too close to the canopy or emit excessive intensity. Proper light placement and monitoring are crucial to maintain an ideal temperature for the plants’ well-being.


Watering Cannabis Plants: A Complete Guide to Proper Hydration


Water is essential for the survival of all living organisms, and cannabis plants are no exception. While they can tolerate some water scarcity, overwatering can be detrimental to their health and even lead to their demise.

To ensure you provide the right amount of water, it is best to wait until the substrate has dried out. Lift the plant containers and check their weight. If they feel comparatively light, it indicates that it’s time to water them. However, avoid watering again until the top inch of soil is completely dry.

When it comes to watering methods, bottom-feeding is considered highly effective for cannabis plants. This technique involves placing the pots in trays of water, allowing the roots to absorb the optimal amount of water and nutrient solution from the soil. Bottom-feeding also encourages downward root growth, which provides long-term benefits for the plants.

By ensuring an adequate supply of fresh air, water, and sunlight, you enable the plants to carry out photosynthesis, accelerating their growth and overall health.


Nourishing your cannabis plants with essential nutrients is akin to feeding them. These vital nutrients are typically integrated into the soil right from the beginning or administered through a nutrient solution.

The science behind nutrient administration is intricate, but we’ll delve into that another time. An excellent choice is to opt for comprehensive feeding solutions such as Easy Boost from Royal Queen Seeds. With just a single dose, you can provide your plants with up to 12 weeks’ worth of nourishment. It’s a straightforward and hassle-free solution, making it an ideal choice for any grower. Who wouldn’t want that simplicity and convenience?

How Long Does It Take to Grow Cannabis?

We briefly mentioned the faster growth of autoflowering strains, but when it comes to the overall time needed before harvest, most strains require a minimum of three months. Now, if you’re wondering how long it will take for your buds to become smokeable, you’ll need to add another three weeks to account for the drying process (about a week) and curing (at least two weeks).

To provide you with a clearer understanding of the cannabis plant’s growth process, let’s briefly discuss its two main stages: vegetation and flowering. Here’s a concise explanation:

  • Vegetative stage: The vegetation stage marks the period when the plant’s leaves and stems start to emerge. It continues until the plant develops distinct male or female sex characteristics, which leads us to the next phase.
  • Flowering stage: The flowering stage commences when female plants start producing white hairs, known as pistils, and when male plants develop pollen sacs.

What Equipment Do You Need to Grow Cannabis?

When it comes to cultivating cannabis, you typically have two options: indoor or outdoor growing. We briefly discussed the distinctions between the two earlier, but here’s a concise summary: indoor growing tends to be more expensive due to the need for artificial lighting, a grow tent, soil, nutrients, gardening tools, and potentially hydroponics equipment. However, let’s delve further into the specific equipment requirements for each environment.

Growing Indoors

  • Grow tent: A grow tent is a compact and enclosed space designed to accommodate your plants. It should be spacious enough to accommodate all the necessary tools and equipment while providing adequate lighting. Once you have a grow tent that meets these requirements, you’re ready to proceed.
  • Lights: HID lights are known to generate higher yields, but they can also produce excessive heat that may harm your plants. On the other hand, LEDs emit less heat and help maintain a cooler environment, but the yield potential may be slightly lower. Ultimately, the choice depends on your priorities and preferences.
  • Soil and containers: These containers will serve as the ideal home and support system for your plants. It’s recommended to use pre-fertilized soils that already contain essential nutrients. As for the containers themselves, you have the option of choosing between fabric pots or standard plastic containers based on your preference.
  • Hydroponic equipment: If you prefer a soilless approach, you will need to acquire hydroponic equipment. In simple terms, this method entails using concentrated solutions of mineral fertilizers that are absorbed by the plant’s roots.
  • Water supply: Tap water often contains elevated levels of chlorine, which can be detrimental to your cherished cannabis plants. It is advisable to use filtered water to ensure their well-being.
  • Exhaust fans: To promote optimal plant growth, it is crucial to maintain a sufficient supply of carbon dioxide. This can be achieved by utilizing an exhaust fan to ensure a continuous and steady circulation of air throughout the growing area.
  • Climate controls and monitors: To optimize the growth of your plants, it is essential to maintain consistent control over various factors such as lights, CO₂ levels, humidity, and temperature. These controls should be set and operated at a steady rate to create an optimal environment for your plants’ growth.

Outdoor Growing

  • Weather-resistant equipment: To safeguard your plants from the unpredictable elements of nature, it’s wise to provide them with additional protection. Utilizing protective coverings such as hot caps and cold frames can help shield your plants from harsh conditions and ensure their well-being.
  • Drainage system: Preventing excess water from flooding your plant’s roots is crucial. Constructing a straightforward drainage system using gravel can effectively assist in regulating water flow and maintaining optimal conditions for your plants.
  • Soil: Regardless of whether you choose to plant directly in the ground or use a pot, it is essential to ensure that the soil is nutrient-rich.
  • Nutrients: Similar to humans, plants also require their essential vitamins. Base nutrients are sufficient to provide the necessary nourishment for plants.
  • Soil test kit: To obtain an accurate assessment of the soil quality surrounding your plant, a soil checker is a useful tool. It not only provides readings but also alerts you if additional watering is required.
  • Containers: When it comes to outdoor cannabis cultivation, Air-Pots are often the preferred option. These containers promote natural root pruning, resulting in improved plant growth and development.

What Part of the Cannabis Plant Do You Smoke?

While it may appear obvious to some, it’s still an important question to address. The straightforward answer is that only the buds of the cannabis plant are suitable for smoking. However, before you can enjoy their full potential, these buds must go through a proper drying and curing process. As mentioned earlier, it’s crucial to acquire feminized seeds if your intention is to grow plants that produce smokable buds.

Questions & Answers: Cannabis Growing

🚰 How often do you have to water cannabis plants?
🤫 How discreet is cannabis growing in regards to light and smell?
🤹 Without much experience, how easy is it to incorporate cannabis growing into a daily routine?
🌡️ Do you have to keep cannabis plants at a constant temperature?
🌚 Why does it have to be dark for cannabis to grow properly?
💰 What are the initial costs to get a cannabis grow started?

Wrapping Up: Getting Started with Cannabis Cultivation

We hope that this article has adequately equipped you with fundamental knowledge on cultivating cannabis. If you envision yourself engaging in this endeavor soon, you can use this piece as a comprehensive checklist to remember all the essential aspects. However, if you’re eager to commence and progress to the subsequent stages, feel free to take the leap now! Wishing you a prosperous and rewarding cultivation journey!